
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

As noted in our history, FTOP has a mission to exalt God, encourage the church, equip the believer, and evangelize the world. In June 2019 God has done just what he promised...he  enlarged our territory! Bishop Crooms  expanded the vision of the ministry beyond our four walls to international borders. Bishop Crooms made a lasting impact of the people of Kenya during his week long missions trip in June 2019 and has plans to continue the great work started in that country! Stay connected as Bishop continues to lead and train future missionaries that have a heart to make an international impact for the Kingdom of God.

Active Missionaries

Bishop Donald Crooms

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Dr. Tia Crooms

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Join the mission

Serve the Kingdom on our upcoming missions trip to Nairobi, Kenya

Bishop and his family will be traveling back to Nairobi, Kenya and the surrounding villages in December 2019! We are excited to see the hand of God move and we are eager to serve the people of Kenya. We appreciate your continued prayers and monetary seed to support our missions ministry.

Encourage our active missionaries

Write and encouragement, question, or prayer and we'll connect you via email.